Trong phần thi IELTS Writing Task 2, thí sinh sẽ thường xuyên bắt gặp dạng đề Opinion Essay (Agree or Disagree). Nhằm giúp các bạn học viên tham khảo và ôn tập tốt cho bài thi IELTS Writing sắp tới, TutorIn Education đã sưu tầm series Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Opinion Essay. Cùng đến với Phần 69 của loạt bài này nhé!
Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Opinion Essay
The responsibility for protecting and reducing global environmental damage lies with politicians as there is very little that individuals can do about this.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Bài viết mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Opinion Essay
Education is a major concern in most countries, which determines young people’s life prospects and the whole social development. While some educationalists suppose all young people aged under 18 should receive full-time education, I can hardly approve of this opinion.
Body paragraph 1
Admittedly, achieving universal full-time education among all under-18 youngsters, to some extent, exerts a positive impact on both the students and the whole society. For one thing, full-time education provides chances for the young generation to become adequate for future practical work, after being equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills. For another, it is more literate young people in the society that help to control the youth unemployment and in the long run, lower the crime rate, since juvenile delinquency is largely caused by idle adolescents, who have been out of school from an early age. After all, the well-educated youngsters are the driving force for social progress.
Body paragraph 2
However, not all young people should be forced to attend full-time education until 18 years old. Some students are not academically capable and they are eager to get rid of boring curricula as early as possible to pursue their own dreams in other fields. In other words, full-time education may deprive them of the basic rights to realize self-development, which may even lead to rebellion and strong aversion. Furthermore, the financial burden is another obstacle which cannot be ignored. Paying tuition fees for at least 18-year-period education is not affordable for all young individuals and their families. Therefore, taking the economic conditions into consideration, the youth from disadvantaged families are more willing to be engaged in the work earlier, rather than continue a longer period of high-level education, despite the higher income it may bring in the future.
In conclusion, the original intention of mandatory full-time education before adulthood is definitely beneficial to the young generation and the society, but the policy implementation must take the feasibility into account, to guarantee the ultimate effect
Các từ vựng và cụm từ hữu ích trong bài viết IELTS Writing mẫu
Từ vựng/ Cụm từ vựng | Nghĩa Tiếng Việt | Ví dụ trong bài |
life prospects | triển vọng cuộc sống | Education determines young people’s life prospects. |
educationalists | người làm việc trong lĩnh vực giáo dục | While some educationalists suppose all young people aged under 18 should receive full-time education. |
approve of | chấp nhận | I can hardly approve of this opinion. |
juvenile delinquency | tội phạm vị thành niên | Juvenile delinquency is largely caused by idle adolescents. |
driving force for social progress | động lực thúc đẩy tiến bộ xã hội | Well-educated youngsters are the driving force for social progress. |
deprive of the basic rights | tước đoạt quyền cơ bản | Full-time education may deprive them of the basic rights to realize self-development. |
financial burden | gánh nặng tài chính | The financial burden is another obstacle which cannot be ignored. |
take the feasibility into account | xem xét tính khả thi | The policy implementation must take the feasibility into account. |
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