Trong phần thi IELTS Writing Task 2, thí sinh sẽ thường xuyên bắt gặp dạng đề Opinion Essay (Agree or Disagree). Nhằm giúp các bạn học viên tham khảo và ôn tập tốt cho bài thi IELTS Writing sắp tới, TutorIn Education đã sưu tầm series Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Opinion Essay. Cùng đến với Phần 89 của loạt bài này nhé!
Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Opinion Essay
Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Bài viết mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Opinion Essay
There has been an argument that the authorities and big corporations are the only bodies which play a significant role in mitigating current environmental issues, and that ordinary people’s efforts will have only a very small impact. Personally, I totally disagree with this statement because individuals can make a number of contributions to improve the environment, such as recycling, taking public transport and saving water. Furthermore, the more every individual is aware and contributes to environmental efforts, the more the accumulative effect begins to make a difference.
Body Paragraph 1
If the public were encouraged to commute by using public transport, including the bus and the subway instead of driving their private vehicles, there could be a reduction in air pollution in major cities. Automobiles emit large quantities of toxic fumes directly into the air. Thus, with a rising number of vehicles on the road, it stands to reason that the quality of the air is constantly deteriorating. If people are encouraged to use public transport over private vehicles, the levels of air pollution in cities will most certainly be reduced.
Body Paragraph 2
In addition, if citizens could use water in a more responsible manner, water shortages would likely not become such a global problem. Many people claim their right to use as much drinking water as they please if they can afford the local water charges. However, they rarely stop to consider the desperate plight that people in some parts of the world are confronted with because of a lack of basic sanitation. If people in developed nations could save water by taking shorter showers or turning off the tap when brushing their teeth, not only could they ensure water is saved for themselves for the future, but also water-delivery projects could be established to benefit less fortunate places in the world. More importantly, approaching the use of resources with sustainability in mind will also benefit future generations.
In conclusion, I have strong opposition to the contention that only governments, not individuals are solely responsible for solving environmental problems. This is because every small effort that every individual makes is a contribution that accumulates, whether it be choosing public transport or making family efforts to save water. All of these accumulated efforts most certainly contribute to making the world a better place for future generations.
Các từ vựng và cụm từ hữu ích trong bài viết IELTS Writing mẫu
Từ/Cụm từ vựng | Nghĩa Tiếng Việt | Ví dụ trong bài |
environmental issues | các vấn đề môi trường | mitigating current environmental issues… |
contributions | những đóng góp | individuals can make a number of contributions… |
recycling | tái chế | contributions such as recycling… |
public transport | phương tiện giao thông công cộng | taking public transport… |
accumulative effect | hiệu ứng tích lũy | the accumulative effect begins to make a difference… |
air pollution | ô nhiễm không khí | a reduction in air pollution… |
toxic fumes | khí độc | emit large quantities of toxic fumes… |
water shortages | tình trạng thiếu nước | water shortages would likely not become… |
basic sanitation | vệ sinh cơ bản | because of a lack of basic sanitation… |
sustainability | bền vững | approaching the use of resources with sustainability… |
future generations | thế hệ tương lai | making the world a better place for future generations… |
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